Vietnam is the 2nd country in terms of the number of international students studying in Japan, just behind China, according to the 2022 report.

The number of Vietnamese international students studying in Japan was given in a presentation by Dr. Nobuko Kayashima, senior research advisor, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development in Hanoi on August 4. Mr. Kayashima gave a speech at the farewell ceremony for 39 JDS 23rd batch of students who left for Japan to study master’s and doctoral training programs.

Dr. Kayashima said, there are 231,146 international students studying in Japan in 2022 (according to JASSO source). In which, 21% are studying at a Japanese language school; 22% are specialist training schools; 32% are college graduates, vocational trainers, have not graduated from university and 23% are university graduates.

According to Dr. Kayashima, in 2022, out of the total number of international students studying in Japan, the largest proportion is Chinese international students with 45% (more than 104,000 people). 2 with 16% (nearly 37,000 people).

Among the reasons for Vietnamese students to choose to study abroad, the biggest reason is discipline and high level of training; next is a valid scholarship and the third reason is the value of the degree. Some other minor reasons are university referrals; the desire to expect the experience abroad; want to develop another foreign language and other reasons…

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