You can completely study in Japan right after graduating from high school in Vietnam.

Most Vietnamese students in Japan choose to study abroad after graduating from high school. Therefore, the general conditions for studying in Japan can include:

– Graduated from high school.

– GPA at high school is 6.0 or higher, the number of absences does not exceed 10 days (this requirement may change with Japanese language schools).

– Rating of conduct: good, good.

– No conviction is. Not subject to the exit ban of the Vietnam Immigration Department.

– Financial Guarantee: The guarantor can guarantee the payment of fees for international students during their study at the school, the savings must be valid for more than 3 months and reach the minimum balance as prescribed by the Government. Administration of Immigration.


– Vietnamese citizens from 18 to 30 years old.

– All genders are accepted.


– Completion of high school program (no more than 5 years from the time of studying in Japan).

– For candidates who have graduated from secondary schools, colleges, universities, the time may be longer (6 years).

– Average subject GPA at high school is 6.0 or higher and no subject has a bad score.

– For those who have been trainees or interns in Japan, they need to have an N3 certificate or higher, have a return period of 6 months – 1 year, and have full documents when returning home.


– Applicants must meet the minimum Japanese language requirements from N5 to apply for a Japanese study abroad application. If not, they must study a 4- to 6-month Japanese language training course to achieve the required N5 level of Japanese.

– For those who do not meet the Japanese language entry criteria of the school they apply for, you can study preparatory studies for 1 year in Japan to achieve the level from N3.

– Some types of scholarships will require higher qualifications.


Proof of finances when studying abroad in Japan is mandatory for all candidates. Before studying abroad, you must ensure you have financial resources to pay for at least 1 school year. In addition, the condition to study in Japan is to have a financial guarantor. That person can be a parent and have a stable income (minimum 25 million/month). A passbook or bank account must have a minimum balance of VND 500 million and must be deposited into the bank 6 months before the application deadline.



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